Anderson SC
Beekeepers Association
(To become a site member and access the Members Only area, you must be a paid member of the ACBA)
February Meeting
Monday, February 10th
at Anderson University
431 Williamston Rd, Room 101 Anderson, SC 29621
Social starts 6:30pm, meeting starts at 7:00pm.​
All are welcome, you do not need to be a member to attend.​​
Our speaker will be Ben Powell from Clemson Apiculture and Pollinator Program.
"Close and Closer, Pest Threats on the Horizon"
Thank you to all who registered for the Beginner Beekeeping Course. ​
The Class is now full and registration is closed.
Anderson County Beekeepers Organization is a service organization founded to promote beekeeping and education in Anderson County, South Carolina.
We meet every 2nd Monday at Anderson University 431 Williamston Rd. Room 101 Anderson, SC 29621. The meeting starts at 7:00 pm but come early to socialize! See the Calendar for speakers and events.
Anderson County Beekeepers Association benefits include Educational monthly meetings with great guest speakers, Spring group container order, Fall group supply order. Enjoy the camaraderie It also grants you access to the members' only areas of the website including the Marketplace and minutes from the previous meetings.